Prophecy LIVE on Binance Smart Chain!
Prophecy has now listed on BSC’s PancakeSwap — find all the official details here
Prophecy $PRY token is now listed on Binance Smart Chain’s PancakeSwap and is immediately open for trades with confirmation that liquidity has been added. Find the ONLY official details below:
BSC Contract Address: 0x3c81d482172cc273c3b91dd9d8eb212023d00521
PancakeSwap link:
Dextools (chart):
PooCoin (chart):
All other links and addresses are fake. Please exercise caution, double check, and ask an admin if you ever need help.
The past 6 months have been a complete whirlwind in all aspects for the Prophecy ecosystem, and today that whirlwind turns into a full-blown tropical storm. The Prophecy team is ecstatic to announce the mainnet launch of a native PRY/BNB pair on Binance Smart Chain and PancakeSwap!
For more about the reasons behind our PancakeSwap launch, please read: