Prophet Pools: This is the People’s Pool

Following feedback from our community and a deep-diving survey, we’re releasing our first ever People’s Pool!

Prophecy Project
3 min readJun 21, 2021

Today we’re releasing a Prophet Pools addition to the ETH offerings — our first ever ‘People’s Pool’, directly taking the values our community voted on and launching it on mainnet.

People’s Pool Values:

10 Wallets total

0.04 ETH entry (0.03 ETH playing + 0.01 ETH fee)

5 Wallets win

Winning total = 0.06 ETH per winner

Logic and Reasoning

We opened up a survey to our followers to gauge preferences for Prophet Pools values. It was quickly clear our supporters favored the 10-person Pools, especially in this early phase of its lifecycle.

We also found out that the survey respondents favored the lowest entry amount available — 0.02 ETH. To make this Pool viable in the winnings received, we struck a middle ground of 0.03 ETH (playable entry) plus the lowest fee we can collect, 0.01 ETH.

In total, this is a 0.04 ETH entry (our second most voted on option) with a 0.03 ETH playable total (right in between our most voted on option and our second most voted on option).

The one are we had to compromise the most on was the winning percentages — while most respondents chose 80% winning odds (followed closely by 70%, 60% and 50% in that order) to make these Pools viable and attractive for participants (notably in the amount winners receive — it has to be enough to want to keep playing) we settled on a straight 50/50 split.

50% chance to win 50% more than you entered with. A strong winning value (while still super cheap, currently 0.04 ETH is around $80) with exciting and tense odds.

Thank you to all participants in this first survey, your answers (especially the written answers) are super helpful and will assist us in development for months to come.

Survey Participants Airdrop Winner

The winner of the airdrop only open to participants who disclosed their Telegram handle is:


Please DM @DefiUtopia on Telegram to redeem your winnings!

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Prophecy official ETH and BSC contract address: 0x3c81d482172cc273c3b91dd9d8eb212023d00521



Prophecy Project
Prophecy Project

Written by Prophecy Project

Prophecy is core DeFi and crypto services, gamified and improved. Visit:

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